Thursday, 6 September 2007

It is September...but still they keep coming.

3 American ladies came in yesterday, looked about a bit, then one asked "DOOO YOOOUUU MAAAKE YOUR ICE CREAM HERE???", I replied that yes we do. Not phased or maybe even noticing that I spoke English she continued "Only we have been told that if the Pistachio is that bright green colour, it means that it was not made here."

"I see", I replied. "It still might mean it is made on site, but it does mean it is not made using much pistachio.

'And that bright green one there..." I pointed..."is Mint."

People react in different ways when you speak back in English...most seem not to notice, perhaps their brain convinces them that they suddenly understand Italian, or they just think they are back at home. Others ignore it and continue talking in pigeon Italian, emphasising every word and pointing a lot. This is fine and I am pleased that they make the attempt, although many Italians will understand English they will still feel appreciation that you try.


Another question I was asked recently by a customer, English this time....was
"I would like two ice creams in cones, but can we do one at a time please?"

And the alternative is.....?

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